My pieces are comprised primarily of red panels, with the brush strokes providing a variation of tones that bring this powerful colour to life. For the metallic accents, I destroyed, crumbled and rubbed metallic leaf, transferring and re-forming it on the surfaces. I tried to render the power of red by incorporating various intricate metallic tones to provoke an awe-inspiring visual experience.

Although colour is integral to this series, I also apply mixed media through the use of the Chinese mythological mulberry prints that I have collected. After fragmenting the prints, I selected and re-ordered those fragments to construct new images. I enjoyed this decomposing and synthesizing process that allows renewal to take place. The new images are representations of tangible feelings and emotions.

Stemmed from my cultural heritage, I tried to grasp the mood of tranquility but leaves an intense visual impression to the viewers with its minimal composition. This series of artwork is not aimed at promoting any mythological, spiritual, or philosophical ideas, but to reflect a transcendent realm embedding the soul.